Life & Meaning
Once I was rushing down the street because I needed to do something….
Suddenly I realised that there was nothing below me – yes, there was the street, the earth, but below Earth, below our planet, there was nothing.
Then it struck me that there was also nothing above me. The sky does not end somewhere, it just extends into nothingness.
And for a short moment I stopped to rush. Because it felt absurd and meaningless….
I am just a short blink in this endless universe. And then I am gone forever.
But I am one of the lucky ones because in those moments I find myself with a sense that I am connected to everything; and precisely there I find meaning.
I have learned over a long time that it is important to train an open heart to be able to find meaning in the meaninglessness.
To find a way of being that is interested and loving and makes it possible to find the courage and sit back with longing and awe to stay on the path of exploration.
But not everyone is so lucky……for some meaninglessness fills every corner of their being and right there I would like to meet you, in the deepest darkness of the soul.